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If you have lost your cards or checks, call Bankwell immediately at 877-966-1944 during regular business hours. After hours, call 800-472-3272. Outside of the U.S., call 973-682-2652.
Identity theft, one of the fastest growing crimes in our society, occurs when someone wrongfully steals and uses someone else's personal information (such as name, credit cards, Social Security number, bank account numbers, driver's license) to commit fraud and/or theft.
Bankwell does not contact customers via email to verify or request security information. However, you could receive fraudulent emails from another source, which could include the Bank's name and/or logo, asking for personal information. This is often called "phishing" or "spoofing." The purpose of fraudulent emails is to get you to divulge personal information in order to commit identity theft or to take money from your accounts. These fraudulent emails request the recipient to send personal information, such as Social Security or account numbers back to the sender via email. In other cases they include a web site or a link, which will then request the visitor to enter their private information.
Bankwell highly values its customer relationships and we are committed to ensuring your privacy. You can help protect your private information through theft education, practicing good security habits and reporting any suspicious contacts you receive via email, phone calls or mail.
Contact the fraud departments of each of the three major credit bureaus right away. Ask each agency to immediately place a "fraud alert" on your credit report and have them send you a copy of your credit file.
Call the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) Identity Theft Hotline at 1-877-ID THEFT (1-877-438-4338). The FTC will put your information into a secure consumer fraud database and may, when appropriate, share it with other law enforcement agencies.
If you receive statements for accounts you do not have, contact the creditor. An identity thief may have opened an account in your name. Make sure no one has requested an unauthorized address change, title change, PIN change or ordered new cards or checks to be sent to another address.
Check transactions on all credit account statements including credit cards, home equity lines of credit, bank accounts, investment accounts and telephone bills. Close accounts that have been tampered with and open new ones with new PINs and passwords. If an identity thief has tampered with your savings or checking account or ATM card, close the account immediately. When opening new accounts, avoid using easily available information for a password. Keep an eye on all of your accounts going forward.
You may also want to contact other agencies for other types of identity theft:
Maintain a written record of what happened, what was lost and the steps you took to report the incident to the various agencies, financial institutions and firms impacted. Be sure to record the date, time, contact telephone numbers, person you spoke with and any relevant report or reference number and instructions.
The FDIC provides consumers with useful information to help them make informed decisions about their money and to protect themselves against financial scams and fraud. You’ll find information here on specific banking topics, as well as links to other resources to learn more.
Consumer Protection Topics - Identity Theft
Don’t be an Online Victim: How to Guard Against Internet Thieves and Electronic Scams
Safe Internet Banking